Read more about the article Ukrainian Forces Show Combat Work Against Invaders In Honour Of The Day Of Missile Forces And Artillery
Picture shows an explosion in a residential area in Ukraine in undated footage. Ground Forces of Ukraine shows combat work of Ukrainian artillerymen against Russian invaders in Ukraine. (@UkrainianLandForces/Newsflash)

Ukrainian Forces Show Combat Work Against Invaders In Honour Of The Day Of Missile Forces And Artillery

This footage shows Ukrainian soldiers celebrating the National Day of Missile Forces and Artillery with quite a blast - as they shoot rockets and howitzers in a field. Newsflash obtained the footage from the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, along with a short statement in which…

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Read more about the article TURTLE SHOCK: Amazed Boffins Discover 100-Million Years Old Turtle Footprints
Picture shows a turtle footprint in undated footage. Researchers from the Zhucheng Dinosaur Culture Research Center in Shandong Province, China, found more than 20 turtle footprints in dinosaur tracks at the Huanglonggou dinosaur footprint fossil site. (AsiaWire)

TURTLE SHOCK: Amazed Boffins Discover 100-Million Years Old Turtle Footprints

Scientists in China have discovered 100-million-years-old fossilised turtle footprints, including one ‘among the world’s best preserved’. Picture shows a turtle footprint in undated footage. Researchers from the Zhucheng Dinosaur Culture Research Center in Shandong Province, China, found more than 20 turtle footprints in dinosaur tracks at the Huanglonggou dinosaur footprint…

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Read more about the article WOOD YOU BELIEVE IT? Man Hauls One-Third-Of-A-Tonne Tree Trunk On His Back
Man carries a 300kg tree on his back in Enshi, Hubei in China, undated. Mr. Xiao, who filmed the scene, said that he had seen many people carrying wood, but it was the first time he had seen such a strong man. (dynqcias8oo8/AsiaWire)

WOOD YOU BELIEVE IT? Man Hauls One-Third-Of-A-Tonne Tree Trunk On His Back

This is the barking moment a man carries a 660 lbs tree trunk down a mountain in central China to earn money and support his family. The man's incredible feat was filmed by a friend, named Mr Xiao, who told local media that the strongman comes from Enshi city in…

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Read more about the article RUFF JOB: Tiny Dog Pulls Heavy Food Cart
Little dog pulls cart with all of its strength in Guangyuan, Sichuan in China, undated. A woman and an elderly man were also pushing it across the road. (139489962/AsiaWire)

RUFF JOB: Tiny Dog Pulls Heavy Food Cart

This is the adorable moment a tiny pup tries to help a couple pull a large street food cart across a busy road as it tugs on its lead with all its strength. The helpful pooch was filmed by an unnamed witness in the streets of the city of Guangyuan,…

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Read more about the article TRUCKY BRAKE: Mum Saves Tot As He Runs In Front Of Lorry
Mother sprints to catch child running towards moving lorry in Shenzhen, Guangdong in China, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. The child then stopped and the mother caught it. (WLM19901228/AsiaWire)

TRUCKY BRAKE: Mum Saves Tot As He Runs In Front Of Lorry

This is the heart-stopping moment when an excited young tot runs towards the path of a truck after spotting it in the street. Mother sprints to catch child running towards moving lorry in Shenzhen, Guangdong in China, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. The child then stopped and the mother caught it.…

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