Read more about the article Cruel Snowplough Driver Chases After Terrified Deer
Pic shows: Crawl Russian snowplough chases and runs into terrified deer. This is the moment a cruel snowplough driver chases after a terrified deer sprinting down a motorway as he laughs before appearing to hit the poor creature.

Cruel Snowplough Driver Chases After Terrified Deer

CEN/newsvlru via dps_vl This is the moment a laughing snowplough driver speeds after a terrified deer sprinting down a motorway shortly before appearing to hit the poor creature. The cruel scene took place in the south-eastern Russian city of Vladivostok in Primorsky Krai and was recorded by the driver on…

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Read more about the article Two Lada Cars Disintegrate In Head-On Collision
Pic shows: Frontal collision This is the moment an out of control Lada careers over to the wrong side of the road crashing head-on with a Lada coming in the other direction causing both cars to disintegrate.

Two Lada Cars Disintegrate In Head-On Collision

CEN/@acs.sudak This is the moment an out-of-control Lada careers over to the wrong side of the road crashing head-on with another Lada coming in the other direction causing both cars to disintegrate. The footage was captured on a dashboard camera by a car travelling along a road in the city…

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Read more about the article US Batman Birthmark Girl Has Successful Op
Pic shows: Mom of the girl with a "Batman mask" showed the result of a new operation. The mother of the American girl with a ‘Batman’ birthmark on her face has revealed the results of the tot’s latest successful surgery.

US Batman Birthmark Girl Has Successful Op

CEN/ The mother of the American girl with a ‘Batman’ birthmark on her face has revealed the results of the tot’s latest successful surgery with a large bit of the mark now removed from Luna’s forehead. The girl, Luna Tavares Fenner, was born in south Florida in the United States…

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Read more about the article Moment Chubby Seal Pup Falls Through Thin Ice On Pool
Pic Shows: The seal approaching the thin ice; This is the moment a cute baby seal tests the frozen surface of a marine centre pool and then falls through the ice.

Moment Chubby Seal Pup Falls Through Thin Ice On Pool

CEN/@sealrescue This is the moment a cute baby seal tests the frozen surface of a marine centre pool and then falls through the ice. The incident was filmed by staff members of the ‘Fond Druzei Baltiyskoy Nerpy’ (‘Baltic Seal Friends Fund’) in the north-western Russian city of Saint Petersburg, and…

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Read more about the article Snow Bunnies Stage Amusing Punch-Up In Middle Of Night
Pic Shows: Fight of two hares got on a video; This is the amusing moment what looked like to snow bunnies getting ready for spring stage a boxing match in the middle of the night.

Snow Bunnies Stage Amusing Punch-Up In Middle Of Night

CEN/@s.dildakhmet This is the amusing moment what looked like two snow bunnies getting ready for Spring stage a boxing match in the middle of the night. Local media reported that the pair were actually hares, and that the funny looking fight in which they looked as if they were boxing…

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