Read more about the article Man With 700 Cuckoo Clocks Needs Week To Change Time On Half Of Them
Werner Stechbarth from the German city of Munich who has 365 clocks ticking in his 25 square meter living room. (Newsflash)

Man With 700 Cuckoo Clocks Needs Week To Change Time On Half Of Them

A German man who owns over 700 cuckoo clocks from around the world has said he needs over a week to change the time on just half of them. Werner Stechbarth, 74, from the city of Munich in the German state of Bavaria keeps over 365 of his 700 cuckoo…

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Read more about the article Heavily-Inked Pastry Chef Spends Over GBP 23K On Body Modifications
Picture shows Andreas Stauffiger, 43, from the city of Basel in Switzerland, who has 60 tattoos on his body. (Andreas Stauffiger/Newsflash).

Heavily-Inked Pastry Chef Spends Over GBP 23K On Body Modifications

This Swiss pastry chef, who is also a volunteer firefighter and animal rescuer, has spent over GBP 23,000 on tattoos and piercings. Andreas Stauffiger, 43, from the Swiss city of Basel proudly showed off his 60 tattoos and remembered how he was mesmerised with his first one at the age…

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Read more about the article Man, 26, Jumps Off Bridge After Cops Ignore Abuse Of Pet Chicken By Feather Plucking Neighbour
Bendorfer Bridge in Germany from where Lars N., 26, jumped and ended seriously injured after his chicken Rambo. (Newsflash)

Man, 26, Jumps Off Bridge After Cops Ignore Abuse Of Pet Chicken By Feather Plucking Neighbour

A German man has tried to kill himself after claiming his pet chicken died after having its feathers plucked and its legs broken by a neighbour. The chicken owner identified only as Lars N. because of local privacy laws, parked his car on Bendorfer Bridge near the German city of…

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Read more about the article Removing Condom And Not Telling Partner Is Criminal Offence Rules German High Court
Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court, ruled that'' If a man secretly removes the condom during sex, even if the partner has expressly only consented to the act with a condom, this constitutes a sexual assault'', in Hamburg, Germany, on 18 March 2021. (Newsflash).

Removing Condom And Not Telling Partner Is Criminal Offence Rules German High Court

A German appeal court has ruled that a man who removed a condom during sex without telling his lover did carry out a sexual assault. The Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court (OLG) in Hamburg, Germany, ruled that: "If a man secretly removes the condom during sexual intercourse, although a partner has…

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Read more about the article Swiss Graffiti Artist, 29, Hits Head And Dies While Being Chased By Cops
Picture shows Rahel K., 29, who tragically lost her life at Bern-Bumpliz railway station in Switzerland while being chased by the police, on 27th March 2021. (Newsflash)

Swiss Graffiti Artist, 29, Hits Head And Dies While Being Chased By Cops

A young Swiss graffiti artist has died after sustaining serious injuries while trying to escape from the police. Rahel K., 29, tragically lost her life at Bern-Bumpliz railway station in Switzerland on Saturday while being chased by the police. Local media said the victim fell from a two-metre-high wall she…

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