2yo Playing With Electric Sockets Has 4th-Degree Burns

Story ByMichael Leidig,Sub EditorJoseph Golder,AgencyAsia Wire Report 

Video Credit: AsiaWire

This tragic two year old has lost the use of her arms after suffering a massive electric shock.

The little girl, named Jun Jun, had earlier been spotted by her mother playing with a large nail and the mum said that she had taken it away immediately because it was dangerous, and had put it out of reach.

Picture Credit: AsiaWire

Her daughter seems to have managed to have taken the nail back, and the next thing she knew was a problem was when she smelt burning at the family home in in the Liaoning Province in China.

She rushed into the room to find her daughter lying on the ground unconscious. The young girl’s body was completely limp, her arms were black and her lips were swollen.

The youngster apparently stuck the nail into a plug socket, which then gave her a massive electric shock.

She was rushed to hospital barely alive and doctors managed to save her life but they had to remove her right palm and left index finger and say she is unlikely to ever be able to use her arms again.

Worse, they also fear that other parts of her body including her heart and her brain might have suffered permanent damage from the massive electrical shock.

The distraught mum, speaking on local TV, said she is devastated by what happened. She said: “I could never have conceived something so terrible could happen within our own four walls. The whole family were there, she only had two rooms that she could go into. I just don’t understand it.”

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