Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
This pretty 17-year-old girl has been brutally raped and killed after refusing to have sex with a man she went on a date with and he allegedly performed sex acts on her corpse.
The incident took place in the city of Lesozavodsk in the south-eastern Russian region of Primorsky Krai when Daria Kolesnikova left her home on 22nd November to meet with the suspect.
Her concerned relatives informed the local authorities of her disappearance and a search team spent three days looking for the teen.
The victim’s naked body was found under a bridge next to the Ussuri River and the police arrested Anton Meged the following morning after checking Kolesnikova’s phone history, according to local media.
Reports said they arranged to meet up where the suspect allegedly demanded sex.
After the victim refused, Meged allegedly beat and raped her before deciding to cover his track by killing the girl, according to local media.
He allegedly strangled her with her own tights before dumping the body under the bridge believing the police would look for the killer somewhere else.
The suspect is currently being kept in custody as the authorities carry out a forensic examination.
Reports said it also suspected that Meged sexually abused the girl after she had already died.
The investigation is ongoing.
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