Mans Hand Mangled By Explosion While Charging iPhone

Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report


Picture Credits: AsiaWire/@HENG-Ratana

This is the gruesome picture of a man’s mangled hand after his charger exploded while he was charging his iPhone.

The incident took place in the north-western Cambodian province of Battambang and photos circulating online show the victim in hospital with bloodied wounds and pieces of metal lodged in his skin.

The unnamed man, who works for the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC), is recovering in hospital after suffering serious injuries to his hand and upper body, according to reports.

Doctors said that a large portion of his left hand is missing below the wrist.

The accident reportedly took place while he was charging his phone at work. He was said to have been using his iPhone when the charger exploded, according to local media.

After netizens challenged the authenticity of some of the photos online, a CMAC colleague responded: “I can verify that it is true, but I would also like to clarify that it was not the iPhone that was the issue, it was the charger.”

It is currently unclear whether the victim was using an Apple charger or a third-party equivalent.

There have been no further updates on the man’s condition and whether the local authorities are investigating the incident.

The model of the iPhone was not reported.