Virus-Fear Man Wears Human-Sized Bag For Visit To Shops

Story By: Gheorghi CaraseniSub Editor:  Joseph GolderAgency: Newsflash


This is the moment a man is filmed encased in a full-length plastic bag to protect himself from Coronavirus at a supermarket.

The strange scene was recorded inside a supermarket in the city of Kharkiv in the oblast of the same name in eastern Ukraine.

In the video, a man who has not been named in reports can be seen full covered in a full-length plastic bag as he browses in the aisles.


She can be seen pushing a trolley as he looks at the products but does not appear to have holes in the bag to pick items up.

The plastic bag is tied up above his head with what appears to be a rope.

Netizens loved the clip, with some questioning how he was going to try to protect himself from the virus as he had to open the bag each time he wanted to pick up goods.

One netizen named ‘v-karma-saltovka’ said: “I have one single question: where the hell did he get such a big condom to put on.”

Another internet user named ‘Mikhail Lamtev’ said: “This guy is pure genius!”

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