Read more about the article Zoo Slammed For Caging Tigers With Dogs In Cramped Cell
Pic Shows: 2 tigers and 2 dogs in a tiny room; A new Chinese indoor zoo has been slammed for keeping animals in cramped conditions including two tigers and a pair of dogs that are forced to live together in a tiny concrete cell.

Zoo Slammed For Caging Tigers With Dogs In Cramped Cell

Story By: Buli Liang, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report  A new Chinese indoor zoo has been slammed for keeping animals in cramped conditions including two tigers and a pair of dogs that are forced to live together in a tiny concrete cell. The Dudu Island Children’s Paradise in the city of Fuyang…

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Read more about the article Soviet Army Truck Is Tigers, Bears And Chipmunks Toy
Pic shows: Animals curious of the vehicle frame. The cab of this rusting army truck has become a scratching post for a bear and an object of curiosity for squirrels, birds and even a huge tiger according to wildlife officials who posted a camera nearby.

Soviet Army Truck Is Tigers, Bears And Chipmunks Toy

Story By: Amelia Guran, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@leopard_land The cab of this rusting army truck has become a scratching post for a bear and an object of curiosity for birds and even a huge tiger and a chipmunk, according to wildlife officials who placed a camera nearby. The rusting wreck of the…

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