Read more about the article New Liver Saves Mum And Baby As Mushroom Kills Dad
Pic shows: Pavel Brashiuc, 24, and his son Miroslav 1 year and 10 month A dad has died and his wife and infant son only survived when a donor liver was divided up between them after they ate a deadly mushroom by mistake.

New Liver Saves Mum And Baby As Mushroom Kills Dad

Story By: Anna Casap, Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News A dad has died and his wife and infant son only survived when a donor liver was divided up between them after they ate a deadly mushroom by mistake. The tragedy happened in the city of Kobryn, located in the south-western corner of Belarus, when…

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Read more about the article Evil Genius Student Kills Mum And Hides Body For 3yrs
Pic shows: Photo of Wu in a scenic spot. CHINA: A talented student who was on the run for three years has been arrested for killing his mother and then wrapping her body in plastic bags before installing CCTV cameras to watch over the remains.

Evil Genius Student Kills Mum And Hides Body For 3yrs

Story By: Buli Liang, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report An 'evil genius' student has been arrested for killing his mum, wrapping her body in plastic bags, using charcoal to hide the smell and putting up CCTV cameras to avoid being found out. Picture Credits: AsiaWire Talented student…

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