Read more about the article University of Hamburg Study Claims COVID Started In Wuhan Lab
Main Building of the University of Hamburg in Germany, where the study about the origins of COVID-19 was conducted. (UHH, Dichant/Newsflash)

University of Hamburg Study Claims COVID Started In Wuhan Lab

A new COVID-19 study conducted by the University of Hamburg has found evidence that the current pandemic started from a laboratory accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The study, which was carried out from January 2020 to December 2020, was based on an interdisciplinary scientific approach and…

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China Face Masks Fail Lab Tests For Finland Hospitals

A batch of face masks from China has failed laboratory tests in Finland and cannot be used in hospitals despite there being a shortage of protective equipment in the country. The consignment of personal protection equipment and face masks had arrived in Finland on Tuesday after being sent from China…

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Read more about the article Horror Monkey Lab Accused Of Hiding Animals During Probe
Pic Shows: The beagle left suffering in blood after tests; This shocking footage shows the harrowing treatment of monkeys and dogs at a German lab which uses animals for experiments.

Horror Monkey Lab Accused Of Hiding Animals During Probe

Story By: Kathryn Quinn, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/Cruelty Free International and SOKO Tierschutz Pressure is growing on the horror lab where animal activists found monkeys strapped in metal harnesses amid allegations the lab hid animals from investigators. The scenes at the German laboratory in Mienenbuttel in Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony became apparent…

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