Read more about the article Moment Experts Remove Wrapping From Mummy Of Inca Noble
Pic Shows: The mummy being examined; This is the moment experts open the mummified funeral remains of an Incan nobleman who lived in Peru between the 14th and 15th centuries.

Moment Experts Remove Wrapping From Mummy Of Inca Noble

Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@ProyectoEspecialNaylampLambayeque This is the moment experts take the wrapping off the mummy of an Inca nobleman who lived in Peru between the 14th and 15th centuries. The funeral bundle was examined by experts at the museum of Tucume, an archaeological site…

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Read more about the article US Inca Mummy Girl Returns To Bolivia After 129 Years
Pic Shows: The Inca mummy girl; This Inca mummy girl has been returned to Bolivia after spending 129 years in an American university.

US Inca Mummy Girl Returns To Bolivia After 129 Years

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@MRE_Bolivia This Inca mummy girl has been returned to Bolivia 129 years after a US diplomat took the relic away from its homeland. The mummy was presented at a special event in the city of La Paz, the Bolivian capital, where the Minister of…

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