Read more about the article Wheelchair Fraud Falls On Road In Crash-For-Cash Scam
Pic shows: The Dongfeng Xingfeng people carrier Xu claimed had hit him. CHINA: A traffic camera has captured a ‘crash-for-cash’ scammer pushing his wheelchair on a zebra crossing when he suddenly collapses and pretends to be hit by a passing car.

Wheelchair Fraud Falls On Road In Crash-For-Cash Scam

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a ‘crash-for-cash’ scammer pushes a wheelchair on a zebra crossing before collapsing and pretending to be hit by a passing car. The dramatic attempt to scam the people carrier driver, surnamed Mo, was eventually busted by police in the…

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