Read more about the article Quarantine Cop Bludgeons Dog To Death In Virus Village
Pic shows: WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT A dog being killed by a police officer. This is the moment a Chinese woman manages to save her pet dog from quarantine cops before the camera pans to an officer inhumanely bludgeoning one poor pooch over a very long period of time.

Quarantine Cop Bludgeons Dog To Death In Virus Village

AsiaWire WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT This is the moment a Chinese woman manages to save her pet dog from quarantine cops before the camera pans to an officer inhumanely bludgeoning another pooch seemingly to death. The incident, which has been viewed over 130,000 times on social media, took place in the…

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Read more about the article Medic Couple In Touching Hospital Hazmat Reunion
Pic shows: Doctor Ren Ruikang (L) and his nurse wife Xiao Jiawei. This touching footage - seen 120 million times online in just 24 hours - shows two married Chinese medics in hazmat suits seeing each other for the first time in three weeks but forced to shake hands instead of hugging.

Medic Couple In Touching Hospital Hazmat Reunion AsiaWire / Xi'an 8th Hospital This touching footage - seen 120 million times online in just 24 hours - shows two married Chinese medics in hazmat suits seeing each other for the first time in three weeks but forced to shake hands instead of hugging. The brief reunion was…

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