Read more about the article  Long-Lost Gustav Klimt Portrait Sells For ‘Only’ GBP 26 Million At Auction
Image shows Gustav Klimts "Portrait of Fraeulein Lieser", undated photo. It fetched nearly GBP 26 million on an auction in Vienna, Austria, on Wednesday, Apr. 24, 2024. (Auktionshaus im Kinsky GmbH, Wien/Newsflash)

 Long-Lost Gustav Klimt Portrait Sells For ‘Only’ GBP 26 Million At Auction

A long-lost portrait by Austrian artist Gustav Klimt has sold for nearly GBP 26 million at auction, considerably less than expected. The auction took place in the Austrian capital Vienna on Wednesday, 24th April, going to a bidder from Hong Kong for EUR 30 million (GBP 25.7 million). The…

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Read more about the article Festival Guests In Austria Offered Free Public Transport For A Year If They Get A Tattoo
Image shows Austria's Minister of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Leonore Gewessler, 45, holding a public transport ticket, undated photo. The country offered free public transport for a year to people willing to get a tattoo reading 'Klimaticket'. (Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology/Newsflash)

Festival Guests In Austria Offered Free Public Transport For A Year If They Get A Tattoo

Authorities in Austria have faced sharp criticism after offering festivalgoers a free nationwide public transport ticket in exchange for a tattoo. Image shows Austria's Minister of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Leonore Gewessler, 45, holding a public transport ticket, undated photo. The country offered free public transport…

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Read more about the article Wandering Brown Bear Dies On The Railway Tracks After Getting Struck By Train In Austria
Image shows the bear that was struck dead by a train, undated photo. The incident happened near the city of Salzburg, Austria, on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. (Land Salzburg, Salzburger Jaegerschaft/CEN)

Wandering Brown Bear Dies On The Railway Tracks After Getting Struck By Train In Austria

A migratory brown bear on its way through Austria has died after it was struck by a train. The animal was fatally injured by a train operated by the Austrian Federal Railway (OeBB) travelling between the municipalities of Schwarzach im Pongau and Lend, in Salzburg State on Tuesday, 23rd…

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Read more about the article Austria Customs Seize Over 2t Of Fake Louis Vuitton And Versace From China
Image shows the fake brands that were seized by customs in the city of Vienna, Austria, undated photo. A total of 44,830 products equal to two tonnes were taken hold of by customs in March 2023. (BMF, Zoll/Newsflash)

Austria Customs Seize Over 2t Of Fake Louis Vuitton And Versace From China

Austrian customs have seized nearly 45,000 fake Louis Vuitton purses and Versace sunglasses hidden in boxes at Vienna Airport. Image shows the fake brands that were seized by customs in the city of Vienna, Austria, undated photo. A total of 44,830 products equal to two tonnes were taken hold of…

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Read more about the article GOING CHEAP: UK Institution Donates Nearly 20,000-Bird Collection To Austrian Museum
Image shows the Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops), undated photo. The British Harrison Institute in Sevenoaks, England will donated 19,000 birds to the Natural History Museum Vienna in Austria on Friday, Nov. 4, 2022. (Robbie Bright/Newsflash)

GOING CHEAP: UK Institution Donates Nearly 20,000-Bird Collection To Austrian Museum

A British research and charity institution has donated its enormous bird specimen collection to one of the leading natural history museums of Central Europe. The Natural History Museum Vienna (NHM) has announced that it received the Harrison Institute Bird Collection - a Kent-based charity - consisting of 19,000 birds of…

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