Story By: Maja Mishevksa, Sub Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
Video Credit: CEN/#MacarenandreaLB
This is the hilarious moment a speedy high school pupil manages to run rings around half a dozen cops chasing him through a playground during student protests.
The incident took place at Juan Pablo Duarte School in the commune of Providencia, located in the central Chilean region of Santiago Province as students across the country protested against allegedly discriminatory exams.
Cops were called to schools and exam halls as students protested against the University Selection Exam (Prueba de Seleccion Universitaria-PSU), saying it favoured richer students in private schools over poorer pupils in public schools.
Video Credit: CEN/@PamJiles
In the video, a student can be seen being chased by cops in the packed playground. The speedy student, who has not been named, can be seen running rings around the cops in riot geat trying to catch.
At one point one of the officers appears to have grabbed the youngster but he manages to wriggle free and sprints towards a building.
It is unclear if the boy was caught by the cops although they reportedly wanted to arrest him. It is currently unclear why they wanted to apprehend him.
Netizen ‘ivonconuecar_’ wrote: “The cops without a gun and without their war items do nothing. They get fat from their privileges, how in hell are they going to catch him? The world is mocking the Chilean police”.
‘Katapablaza’ added: “Literally this is a game of cops and robbers children usually play in school, now no child wants to be a cop.”
The second phase of the PSU was held on Monday, with students arguing that the exam is part of a segregated education system and many reportedly boycotted the exam.
The first exam on 6 and 7 January was also reportedly boycotted
Reports state 41 arrests have been made in the protests across the country.
In Chile there are around 3.5 million students, with around 35 percent attending lessons in free state schools, 55 percent attending private schools with a budget from the state and around 8 attend fully private schools. It is unclear where the other 2 percent attend lessons.
Students in free schools believe the exam is not fair because it reflects the quality of the education received, so private school students are accepted into university while public school students are rejected.
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