Influencer Who Escaped Abusive Relationship Killed By Cop Hubby

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Story By: James KingSub-EditorMarija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash

A stunning influencer who offered advice to women trapped in abusive relationships has been killed by her cop husband after telling everyone how she was “married to an amazing man”.

Diana Raz, 32, offered counselling to thousands of women over the past 14 years on how to cope when they are in abusive relationships, saying she was inspired to do so by escaping an abusive relationship herself.

On her website, she told people that it helped that she was “married to an amazing man”, however, she was reportedly killed by her policeman husband Amir Raz in front of their four young children.


The police officer has admitted to the murder carried out in the family home in the West Bank settlement of Na’ale, according to local media.

He said he fired two bullets during an argument, one of them at her head.

He was quoted as saying: “I do not know what went through my mind, it was not planned. I never treated her violently. The children were at home and saw everything.”


After realising what he had done, he said he called his mother so that she could collect the children and then called his police commander to turn himself in.

Women’s rights groups are calling on police to be particularly vigorous in the investigation

Hagit Pe’er, chairwoman of the Na’amat women’s rights group, said that while every murder needed an in-depth investigation, in this case, it also needs to be looked at closely as to whether there were early warning signs that he might have done something like this.


The investigation continues.

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