Hero Railway Employee Saves Woman From Oncoming Train

Story ByJohn FengSub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyAsia Wire Report

Video Credit: AsiaWire

This heart-stopping footage shows a heroic railway employee pulling a woman off the tracks at the last second as an oncoming train threatens to run her over.

The near miss happened at the Qing County Railway Station in the city of Cangzhou in North China’s Hebei Province.

CCTV footage dated 20th February shows the train pulling into the station when the woman surnamed Pan, aged 29, jumps from the low platform onto the tracks.

Pictures Credit: AsiaWire

On-duty station employee Huang Tao, aged 40, immediately runs towards the allegedly suicidal woman and leaps onto the tracks behind her, hauling her back onto the platform in the nick of time as the train races past them.

The three-second rescue spared the life of the young woman, who had reportedly sent a suicidal note to her family members on her phone moments before jumping onto the tracks and standing in front of the train.

Authorities say the woman’s family collected her at the station shortly after. They did not reveal why she attempted to take her own life.

Huang is being credited with saving the woman’s life “within 0.1 seconds of death”.