This is the moment a large glowing meteor lights up the night sky over the Icelandic capital Reykjavik.
The impressive ‘shooting star’ was filmed by Gunnar Marel Hinriksson in Reykjavik at around 8.30pm on 31st October.
Hinriksson shared the footage on his YouTube channel where it has been viewed over 12,000 times since publication on the same night.

He accompanied the video with the message: “Meteor in Iceland, seen looking west over Reykjavik at 8:31 PM October 31. 2021. Tesla dashcam footage.”
In the dash-cam clip, Hinriksson is seen driving along the road at night as a large, glowing light appears on his right-hand side.
The meteor grows in length and intensity before slowly fading away in the night sky.

According to the news site Visir, many Reykjavik residents said they saw the phenomenon and shared images on social media.
Local astronomy enthusiast Saear Helgi Bragason, who watched the video on YouTube, said the type of meteor in the footage is typically small, no more than the size of a coin or pebble, adding that it burns through the atmosphere at such a speed that the air glows in front of it.
Bragason said the meteor probably burned up tens of miles above the ground.