EVIL EX: Wife In Fear After Estranged Hubby Who Tried To Burn Her Alive Is Freed From Custody

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Story By: Feza Uzay, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency:  Newsflash

This woman has been left in fear for her life after her estranged husband, who allegedly tried to burn her alive when she dumped him, was released after just one month in custody.

Now that she has initiated divorce proceedings, the terrified wife claims her estranged hubby is threatening her again and is trying to take away their daughter, following his violent attack in which he set fire to their flat.

Orhan Yesilyurt, 30, married Gunes Yesilyurt, 28, in 2019 after dating for a few years. But after just a couple of weeks of married life, Gunes said she wanted to divorce Orhan because of his alleged substance abuse.

Orhan Yesilyurt, 30, (left) allegedly set fire to the house with acetone two weeks after he married Gunes Yesilyurt, 28 (right), Istanbul, Turkey. (Newsflash)

But when she tried to leave, he allegedly set fire to their seventh-floor flat in Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul, using acetone. Luckily, she and their daughter, who has not been named, were not at home at the time.

Orhan was arrested and remanded in custody, but the authorities freed him after just one month, for reasons that remain unclear.

And now, Gunes lives in fear. She has initiated divorce proceedings and claims that Orhan has repeatedly threatened and stalked her. She is begging for the authorities to help and protect her and her daughter, for whose life she also fears.

Orhan Yesilyurt, 30, (right) allegedly set fire to the house with acetone two weeks after he married Gunes Yesilyurt, 28 (left), Istanbul, Turkey. (Newsflash)

It is unclear where Gunes is currently living. She said: “My husband, Orhan Yesilyurt, burned down the flat we lived in two weeks after the wedding, when I said I wanted a divorce. We have been together for six years in total and we have a child.

“He was in prison for one month. Then he was released. The reason I want a divorce is related to drugs.”

She added: “We got married lovingly. But when I learned that he was using drugs, I wanted a divorce. I made this request of him because we have a daughter and I feared for myself and my daughter’s life.”

Orhan Yesilyurt, 30, (left) allegedly set fire to the house with acetone two weeks after he married Gunes Yesilyurt, 28 (right), Istanbul, Turkey. (Newsflash)

Gunes said that her husband allegedly told her: “Do you think I will be punished for the fire case? My lawyer will handle it.”

He has also allegedly threatened her, saying: “I will make your life a dungeon for you. I will take the girl from you and, if I can’t, you will live with her without a penny. You will lead a dog’s life.”

Gunes also claims that he has threatened to make her “have an accident”. She said: “And he even thought of making me have an accident and making it look like an accident. He even planned it. He brought false witnesses to the court by hiring them in exchange for money.

Orhan Yesilyurt, 30, (right) allegedly set fire to the house with acetone two weeks after he married Gunes Yesilyurt, 28 (left), Istanbul, Turkey. (Newsflash)

“He has his men stalking me. I don’t want to see those guys at my door. He has exposed me to threats and insults. I don’t want to live in fear. Because most importantly, I am a mother.

“I try to provide the best for my daughter. On the other hand, my husband and his family have never even bought so much as a shoe for my child. And instead of covering my losses after the fire, he demands custody of my daughter from me.”

It is currently unclear if the authorities are taking Gunes’ allegations seriously and investigating.