A drunk patient who left two nurses with serious injuries after attacking them in the hospital has been jailed by police.
The brutal 38-year-old attacker – not named by police in Veliky Novgorod, central Russia – has been detained in custody for two months while police investigate his violent rampage.
One nurse will need reconstruction surgery to her face after the thug repeatedly punched her.
The second was put in an emergency ward with a severe concussion after being smashed into a wall by the suspect.
Police say the attacker is facing further charges of assaulting a police officer after he had been arrested.
Shocking CCTV footage of the attack shows the man rowing angrily with one white-coated nurse in a hospital corridor.
As she argues with him, the drunk suddenly grabs her white coat and repeatedly slams her backwards into a wall.
He shouts at the terrified medic: “Am I attacking you? Do you understand what I am saying?”
Then as he slaps her, another nurse can be seen rushing to help saying: “What do you think you are doing, you freak?”
As she gets between the man and her colleague he tries to choke her, then he repeatedly punches her in the face.
He then turns again to the first nurse and knocks her to the ground apparently unconscious with a single punch.
As he starts to punch and chase the other nurse around the corridors he snarls: “Do you understand what I am talking about you stupid one?”
Police say he was arrested at the hospital and has been charged with assault and resisting arrest.
Picture Credit: CEN
If this hospital is accepting this kind of patient there should be at least 2 security guards always on duty. Good there’s a cctv to help with this investigation. The 1st nurse she’d have a security with her before approaching this patient. The 2nd nurse should have called another person to call code gray first before even attempting to help, with the severity of the injuries , I’m going to sue the hospital for failing to keep their employees for a safe environment , aside from my work compensation. I retired after 39 years of bedside nursing I ended up in ER bec of a confused patient pushing me and a drug addict who got out of a securities hand while I’m giving an Ativan
Unfortunately, many of the facilities I have worked in as a nurse, we had no security. I was the night shift charge nurse at a small psych facility that housed mainly ex-cons or criminals that could no longer stay in prison due to their health. I have had up to 36 at one time, all with major psych diagnosis, and been left short staffed, leaving me & one Cna to care for these individuals. Some of the other patients came to our facility from state hospitals that had closed. I was hurt a couple times, I was kicked across the room and caused bruising to my kidney, and I have seen a Cna have her head bounced off the porcelain sink. They installed cameras, but never provided security. Thankfully, I had several friends on the local police force & decided to carry my cell phoebe on me at all times & my friends at the police station knew if I was calling, it was an emergency & I needed help. I stayed four years and it continued to get worse. It’s sad that nurses and healthcare workers face this frequently & these hospitals and corporation don’t do anything to help protect their staff. I hope this man is punished and I will pray for the two nurses hurt during this violent attack.
This is a disgusting display of violence and it’s unfortunate how often this sort of thing happens.
I have used this video many times for scenario training with people in patient care and education. It allows the students implementation of D1-Detect to avoid, D2- De-fuse to de-escalate, and D3-Defend within the SPEAR System.
As a Paramedic and a nurse, we see this type of violence all the time. However, it seems that the nurses get in trouble for trying to defend themselves. They are the ones that end up loosing their license because they fought back. In this case, both may loose their career and all this guy gets punished for is assault charges? That looks like attempted murder to me. Prayers for the nurses and their families.
This happened in Russia. I hope he gets tortured!