Drunk Con Dangles Baby Out Of Flat Window As Crowd Gasps

Story ByAnna Casap, Sub EditorAlex CopeAgencyCentral European News

Video Credit: CEN/@NikSunSity

This is the moment a crowd gasps when a reportedly drunk convict dangles his tiny baby daughter out of a flat’s window just before three cops burst through the outside of the window to detain him.

According to local media, Dmitry Ivanov, who has been convicted 10 times in the past, threatened to throw his five-month-old daughter from the flat window in the city of Saransk in the western Russian republic of Mordovia.

He was said to be trying to avoid arrest after allegedly assaulting his wife and later locking himself inside the home with their baby.

Video Credit: CEN/@Saransk|Doska Pozora

Ivanov was reportedly serving a conditional sentence at the time of the incident and is expected to be sent to prison.

According to local media, he was celebrating his partner’s birthday the day before and he assaulted her after getting drunk.

The unnamed woman went to work the next morning while Ivanov reportedly started drinking again.

When she returned home, she is said to have found that Ivanov had locked himself in the flat, shouting: “There is going to be a show now!”

Reports said that he first threw domestic appliances from the window while yelling loudly.

Picture Credit: CEN/@NikSunSity & CEN/@Saransk|Doska Pozora

As a crowd began to gather on the street, he allegedly started to threaten the child.

Police arrived on the scene and set up a life net and in the video eh can be seen dangling the tot from the window as onlookers gasp. Police officer Vasily Martynov, police sergeant Viktor Kovalchuk and deputy head firefighter Ruslan Alukaev climb through the suspect’s window from a neighbour’s home to arrest him, according to local media.

He is reportedly in police custody as the investigation into the incident continues.

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