Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash

This gorgeous Japanese model has impressed netizens with a frilly face mask fashioned out of a bra to help fend off the COVID-19 virus – despite the novel accessory lacking a filter and failing to fully protect wearers.
Beautiful model Asahina Yumeno posted the images on her Twitter account with a simple set of instructions for other women to make face masks out of their lacy undies.
Her post has been ‘liked’ over 70,000 times and was retweeted by 16,000 impressed netizens.

Japanese stunner Yumeno told fans that all they need is a needle and thread to fashion a similar mask from suitable clothing items.
She told netizens to cut the bra in half and trim off the back strap to form the ‘mask’ shape.
Yumeno then advised people to cut off the hooks and remaining straps which then need to be sewed into position to fit around the ears.

As the makeshift mask lacks a filter, Yumeno’s suggestion will probably fail to fully protect wearers from the virus.
Netizen ‘Mars Venus’ said: “It’s of no use as it is not water-resistant on the front. In fact it is worse, as any water droplets will be quickly absorbed into the bra.
‘HanyanChan’ wrote: “Seriously, is this practical? ? What about comfort? Is it quite dense and painful?”
‘Hung Tran’ commented: “At least she didn’t use her underwear… hahaha!”

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