Read more about the article Man Jumps Off Cliff Into Sea But Lands In Boat Instead
The death of Fahd Ibrahim Al-Laqma a Syrian young man who jumped off the Raouche Rock in Beirut and fell on a boat that was crossing the Rock Tunnel. (Newsflash)

Man Jumps Off Cliff Into Sea But Lands In Boat Instead

This is the moment a man jumps off a cliff by the sea, unaware that there was a tourist boat below, which he then hit instead of the water. The young Syrian man apparently failed to hear onlookers' warning shouts that there was a boat below. He tragically lost…

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Read more about the article Young Woman Burnt To Death When Inhalant Drugs Caught Fire At Clandestine Party
Carolina Goncalves Oliveira who died in an explosion during a funk ball in Rocinha, in the South Zone of Rio, on 31 May 2021. (Newsflash)

Young Woman Burnt To Death When Inhalant Drugs Caught Fire At Clandestine Party

This beautiful young woman has lost her five-day battle for life after suffering burns to 80 percent of her body following an explosion at a clandestine party in a favela. Ana Carolina Goncalves de Oliveira, aged 20, succumbed to her injuries in hospital in the Brazilian city of Rio de…

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Read more about the article Cops Arrest Teen Girl For Stabbing Porn Starlet In The Neck
Luane Honorio de Souza known as Aline Rios. (@luane.honoriodesouza/Newsflash).

Cops Arrest Teen Girl For Stabbing Porn Starlet In The Neck

Cops have arrested a teen girl they accuse of killing a porn actress by stabbing her in the neck. Police officers arrested Vitoria Roberta Alves da Silva, aged 19, in the Brazilian city of Nilopolis on 7th June. They accuse her of stabbing porn actress Luane Honorio de Souza, known…

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Read more about the article Cops Rescue Seven Kids Locked Inside House Without Food Or Water
The seven children who were rescued after they were abandoned by their mother and left hungry, dehydrated and locked inside their own house , in Macapa, Brazil, in June 2021. (Conselho Tutelar/Newsflash)

Cops Rescue Seven Kids Locked Inside House Without Food Or Water

Cops have rescued eight hungry children locked up and left inside their home. Seven children, aged between 3 and 7, were found locked inside the property in the Brazilian city of Macapa on 4th June. Also present was a 13-year-old girl, who is the sister of the seven children's two…

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Read more about the article Grieving Dog Braves Oncoming Traffic To Protect Dead Body Of Pal Hit By Car On Busy Motorway
Female dog protecting the body of a dog that had been run over by a car, on a street in Guarapari in Brazil, on 4 June 2021. (Policia Rodoviaria Federal/Newsflash)

Grieving Dog Braves Oncoming Traffic To Protect Dead Body Of Pal Hit By Car On Busy Motorway

This is the moment a dog stands over the dead body of another dog in the middle of a busy motorway. The poignant footage was filmed on the BR-101 motorway in the municipality of Guarapari in the south-eastern Brazilian state of Espirito Santo on the morning of 4th June.…

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