French Dr Poses Nude To Protest Lack Of COVID Equipment

Story By: Ernest Bio BogoreSub-EditorJoseph Golder, Agency:  Newsflash

These images show the 61-year-old French doctor who has posed naked to highlight the lack of protective equipment the country’s government is providing healthcare workers with.

The nude snaps of doctor, 61, identified as Alain Colombie, who lives in Pomerols in the southern French department of Herault, was posted on social media on 22nd March.

In the images the doctor can be seen completely naked, crossing his legs to cover his dignity. Colombie is wearing a white armband with the words “cannon fodder” written onto it.


Posting the photo, Colombie said he wanted to: “Push a stunt and come to the defence of the entire family of healthcare workers.

“I denounce a guilty lack of preparation, even though I’ve been communicating about COVID-19 since the end of January.”

An excerpt from the picture caption reads: “President Macron, you are asking your little soldiers to go to the front without weapons or defences (masks, gel, overshirts) and of course without consideration.”


The doctor mentioned the “failure to assist anyone in danger”, adding: “In recent years we’ve seen caregivers gassed and bludgeoned by the Republican Security Company (CRS), now they’re begging us to go into battle in the uniform I’m wearing in the photo.”

Many netizens reacted to the post on social media. One comment reads: “Courage sir, you have all our gratitude and respect, we are run by thugs, take care of yourself.”

Reports say that Colombie works in an area of 10,000 inhabitants covered by only four general practitioners.

He complained that the Mayor’s office had only sent him 18 masks, saying: “It’s very, very few.”

Colombie reportedly undresses completely in his garage when he arrives home before immediately taking a shower, while his wife, also a doctor and psychotherapist, washes all the areas he has touched.

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