3 Russian Cops Who Tortured Woman To Get False Confession Jailed For 11 Years

Three Russian cops who electrocuted a woman to get a false confession have been jailed for 11 years.

Marina Ruzaeva, 40, was violently attacked by police officers Stanislav Golchenko, Denis Samoilov and Alexander Korbut in the town of Usolye-Sibirskoye in the Russian region of Irkutsk Oblast on 2nd January 2016.

The three convicts were employed at the Inter-Municipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Marina Ruzaeva,40, is the victim who was tortured by the three policemen to confess to a crime that she did not commit in Usolye-Sibirskoye, Russia. (Newsflash)

Local media reported that on the day of the incident, the officers knocked on the then 35-year-old woman’s door and took her to the station to question her about the murder of a neighbour on New Year’s Eve.

In addition, the officers promised to bring Ruzaeva home immediately after they finished the chat, however instead of doing so, they put a dark plastic bag over head and tied her to a chair at the station.

According to the woman, the three men started molesting her after which they electrocuted her to force her to confess to a crime she did not commit.

Marina Ruzaeva,40, is the victim who was tortured by the three policemen to confess to a crime that she did not commit in Usolye-Sibirskoye, Russia. (Newsflash)

The woman, who was later proven to be innocent, suffered for three hours before being released, while the real murderer was arrested 10 days later.

However, Marina decided to seek justice and reported the electrocution to the authorities, and showed officials the injuries to her hands, feet and ribs.

After the woman’s report, the Governor of Irkutsk Oblast organised a press conference where the woman explained in detail what happened.

Marina Ruzaeva,40, is the victim who was tortured by the three policemen to confess to a crime that she did not commit in Usolye-Sibirskoye, Russia. (Newsflash)

Korbut, Golchenko and Samoilov were charged for abuse of power four times because the Committee of Inquiry managed to find reasons to reject the torture case.

However, the three defendants finally received justice after the case was transferred to the Usolsky City Court in the summer of 2020.

Consequently, Samoilov received a four-year sentence while his two colleagues were sentenced to three years and six months each.

Marina Ruzaeva,40, is the victim who was tortured by the three policemen to confess to a crime that she did not commit in Usolye-Sibirskoye, Russia. (Newsflash)

Ruzaeva told local media: “I still can’t believe that they were convicted. I have already laughed, cried, and got sick. I experienced so many emotions that day, more than I have experienced throughout my whole life. When I found out they were sentenced I cried like a child.”