Story By: Zoey McDougall, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
This is the hair-raising moment a reporter stands on a military runway as attack helicopters take off inches from her head.
Beautiful brunette Elmira Musazadeh works for the SBS TV-channel in her native Azerbaijan.
Musazadeh was reporting on the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces from a military air base where attack helicopters were taking off inches from her head to take part in exercises.
In video footage, the young reporter is seen standing on a military runway recording a news segment on the centenary anniversary.
As she speaks to the camera, attack helicopters whizz past her head, missing her by inches.
Unfazed by the incredible noise and relative danger, Musazadeh professionally completes her report and does not even flinch when the choppers fly past her.
The sound is so loud that it is barely possible to make out what she is saying during the broadcast.
Producer Saadat Mammadova was pleased with Musazadeh’s efforts, saying that she had “left her mark” as a reporter.
However, not all netizens were impressed with her reporting. ‘LalaAliyeva-Klychkova’ said: “This was not brave. She completely ignored safety rules. I am confused about the hype she is getting.”
‘FadailAgaev’ commented: “This is remarkably stupid.”
‘Zabava Putyatishna’ wrote: “She is lucky to still have her head on her shoulders. What idiot told her to stand there?”
However, ‘Adyl Guseynzade’ disagreed: “What a brave reporter. She trusted the pilots and was professional throughout.”
Picture Credit: CEN/CBC TV