Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report
These images show what happened when a market-stall owner had her entire hand crushed in a sugar cane pressing machine.
Local media report Era Fazira Ramli’s hand became stuck in the presser as she was preparing sugar cane juice to sell at a market in the Tawau District of Malaysia.
The trader, 25 years old, is said to have screamed out in pain when her hand became stuck in the presser and her family then rushed to try and help her.
Pictures Credit: AsiaWire
They turned the pressing machine off and called the local fire service. In the photos, Ramli’s bleeding hand can be seen caught in the metal presser, with a horrific cut across her wrist.
The chief of the Sabah Fire and Rescue Department, Khatizah Rahaban, said that firefighters had managed to remove her hand from the machine before giving her first aid.
The trader was then taken to a local hospital where her condition is described as stable.
Reports state her hand “had been crushed all the way up to her wrist”. It is unclear if she still has use of her hand.
Sugar cane juice is a popular drink in Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, North Africa, and Latin America and is obtained by crushing peeled sugar cane in a mill .