This remarkable footage shows how a Brazilian woman gave birth in a canoe on a waterway in the Amazon after she was unable to get to the hospital in time.

The unusual birth took place in Benjamin Constant, Amazonas State, northern Brazil – which lies close to the borders with Peru and Colombia – last weekend.
The remote municipality – whose population was reported to be 44,873 in 2020 – is 736 miles from the state capital, Manaus.
Footage shows how the woman gave birth inside the canoe assisted by a man named in reports only as Thiago.

According to local media, he had been travelling in a larger vessel but had stopped to help the pregnant woman when he noticed her in severe pain.
Footage shows how onlookers broke into applause as the newborn was delivered safe and sound.

The current state of health of both mother and infant – as well as their identities – are unclear.
Canoes are common in the Amazon region and are the local population’s most common mode of transport.