Story By: Jana Tomovska, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN/@Ilsilenziodellanima
This is the viral touching moment a tough fireman cries after rescuing a tiny terrified kitten in a three-hour operation.
The video shows the firefighter Matteo Zaccara as he pulls the last of a litter of trapped kitten to safety, and then says “for us every life matters”.

The incident was filmed in the town of Massa in central Italy at around 5pm on September 2nd and attracted 1.4 million views on Facebook.
A woman had earlier called the fire brigade because she heard meowing and it was then found that three kittens were trapped in the wooden floor under a huge container.

The fire brigade who were quickly on the scene then spent nearly three hours attempting to rescue all three kittens, with the burly fireman showing his enormous relief as the final kitten is pulled to safety by starting to cry.
Matteo whose age was not given said: “When I took out the last kitten, something came from withing, but it was not weakness, it was a sense of liberation.”

He said he had not realised that everything was being filmed by a friend of the woman who called the emergency services, and was even more surprised when it went viral.
He added: “I wasn’t aware that everything was filmed, but I am glad, and I am not ashamed. Now people are stopping me on the street to ask me about it, I didn’t know that it would get this much attention.”
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