Story By: Maja Mishevksa, Sub Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
CEN/JMBuenrostro via Cesar Buenrostro
Mexican villagers were spooked when they found a human-sized ventriloquist doll they first thought was a dead body and that they then decided was cursed when it would not burn.
The large ventriloquist doll was found wrapped in a blanket in the small town of San Antonio La Esperanza in the central Mexican state of Morelos.
According to local media, the locals first thought it was a dead body but soon realised it was a scary-looking doll when they removed the blanket.
Reports said that they tried to set fire to the spooky mannequin, and believed it was cursed when it failed to burn at the first attempt.
CEN/William Ortiz via Cesar Buenrostro
After several attempts, the villagers finally managed to burn it.
The story even reached Oscar-winning film director Guillermo del Toro, best known for making dark fantasy movies, who retweeted a photo of the scary doll.
Local journalist Cesar Buenrostro told Central European News (CEN) that there was no great mystery, and locals had failed to burn the doll at the first attempt because it was damp. Once it had dried, they found it easier to set it alight.
Buenrostro and a YouTube journalist ‘Oxlack Investigador’ visited the man who made the doll, identified as Julio, who said he sold it on years ago.
CEN/JMBuenrostro via Cesar Buenrostro
According to Julio, the doll was made with an epoxy resin that is difficult to burn.
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