Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
This is the moment a Russian vigilante tries to turn the tables on thugs who beat him up when he asked them to turn down the music by going home and then returning with an assault rifle.
The incident was filmed on Omsk Street in the city of Nizhnevartovsk in the west-central Russian region of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, after the unnamed gunman was reportedly assaulted by a gang.
In the first of three CCTV videos, the man is apparently seen being assaulted by a group of men on the pavement who hold his arms back as they pummel him after he asked them to turn down the music.
The second clip shows the beaten man in a lift while clutching an assault rifle after reportedly going home to fetch the weapon.
The third video shows him walking towards the group with the rifle before apparently opening fire, and as the footage closes he appears to be in a tussle with people who are trying to take the gun off him.
According to local media, residents have reported some of the aggressors to the police on multiple occasions, but each time they were told there were no patrol cars available in the area.
When the police eventually arrived on the scene during the alleged shooting, no suspects were around, according to reports.
A witness told local media: “The gang was listening to loud music and the other man who later fired at them asked them several times to turn it off or make it quieter. They refused and a row ensued.”
According to local media, the gunman has yet to return to his flat since the incident and the police investigation is ongoing.
No one was reported as injured during the alleged shooting.
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