Story By: John Feng, Sub-Editor: Alex Cope, Agency: Asia Wire Report
Video Credit: AsiaWire
This young woman seen serving student meals in a canteen while wearing a revealing low-cut dress has divided opinion after a university fined a catering company more than 200 GBP for her apparent inappropriate clothing.
Footage now seen over 5 million times online shows the controversial woman who attracted large amounts of attention for her stand-out attire at Ming De College of Northwestern polytechnical University in Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province in north-western China.
The video filmed on 26th August shows the unnamed woman, who appears to have a tattoo on her right shoulder, selling student meals in the purple form-fitting dress.

After the clip went viral online, the university censured the catering company owned and run by the woman’s relatives, who reportedly needed an extra hand on the day.
In a lengthy statement, the university called the woman’s clothing “inappropriate” and apologised for failing to provide its students with a “suitable learning environment”.
The statement revealed the woman was not a canteen staff member and was instead helping her relative, who had been employed at the school for catering since 23 August.

The company was fined 2,000 RMB (230 GBP) by the university for the apparent transgression, with the canteen manager reportedly also dismissed for allowing the unauthorised personnel on site.
Students, however, have voiced varying opinions on the woman’s dress, with some coming out in support.
An unnamed female student told local media: “She has the freedom to wear whatever she wants – stop focusing on it!

“Besides, it was obvious that she just came to lend a hand. Who would dress like that and work full-time [in a canteen]?”
A male student commented: “She was wearing what was perceived to be somehow revealing clothing, and was serving student meals.
“It may be OK outside, but perhaps not suitable at a school. My views may be more conservative, but I think it was inappropriate.”
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