Three giraffes have died after escaping from a cramped quarantine centre where they were forced to live among their own faeces after arriving in Brazil from South Africa.
Animal rights groups have criticised the giraffes’ deaths, claiming they were being kept in a small facility that was unsuitable for such animals.
According to the news site G1, 18 giraffes were flown into Brazil from South Africa with the intention of eventually housing them in the BioPark of Rio, which currently does not have any giraffes on show, in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro.

During their adaptation period, the giraffes were being kept in quarantine at the Portobello Safari Resort in the remote municipality of Mangaratiba in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
The animals had been at the safari resort for two months when a group of six tried to escape while enjoying some time in the fresh air.
The rogue giraffes broke down a wooden fence and ran off. They were eventually rounded up and returned to the facility.

However, during the night, half of the escaped giraffes died in mysterious circumstances and the case is still being investigated.
The manager of BioPark of Rio said the three deceased giraffes were not injured during the recapture.
A BioPark biologist said it is possible a “surge in physical activity” caused them to develop diseases “related to skeletal muscle tissue” that led to their deaths, adding that it was probably not related to the escape.

Experts have carried out tests and sent a report to the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) for review.
The State Institute for the Environment (INEA) said it had inspected the space before the giraffes arrived and found that everything was in order.
However, environmentalist Marcio Antonio Augelli claimed that the giraffes were being kept in damp, cramped sheds with cement floors.
He added that the facility was unsuitable for quarantining such animals and that they spent much of the day without sunlight and living among their own faeces.

Augelli said he had reported the issue to IBAMA, but was ignored.
INEA has confirmed the giraffes’ deaths and said it met with IBAMA and BioPark representatives about the matter, adding that the autopsy report should be finalised in the coming days.
INEA also said that it will investigate possible irregularities by the company that imported the animals from South Africa.