Read more about the article Two Shamans Arrested For Administering Woman, 31, Frog Poison As Detox Treatment
The two suspects in the death of the woman Perla N., 31, who allegedly died after inhaling smoke from the poison of a Peruvian frog in Nogales, Mexico on 29th January 2022. (Newsflash)

Two Shamans Arrested For Administering Woman, 31, Frog Poison As Detox Treatment

Cops in Mexico have arrested two alleged shamans after a woman died after she inhaled smoke from the poison extracted from a frog in a detoxification ritual. Juan Pablo, 41, and Juan Diego, 30, surnames not reported, were arrested in the city of Nogales in the Mexican state of Sonora…

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Read more about the article Child, 5, Dies After Being Stung By Scorpion In Brazil Despite Being Given Serum Treatment
Felipe Barbosa Francisco, 5, pictured, died after being bitten by a scorpion while playing at his great-grandmother's residence, in Valparaiso, Brazil, on 15th December. (Newsflash)

Child, 5, Dies After Being Stung By Scorpion In Brazil Despite Being Given Serum Treatment

A five-year-old child has died in Brazil after being stung by a scorpion, despite being given an anti-scorpion serum. The incident took place in the town of Valparaiso, which is located in the state of Sao Paulo in south-eastern Brazil, on Wednesday 15th December. Young Felipe Barbosa Francisco was stung…

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Read more about the article Former Chelsea FC Star Willian Recovers From Muscle Injury In Negative 149 Degree Cryosauna
Willian Borges da Silva, Brazilian professional football player, who used to play for Chelsea recovering from a muscle injury in a Cryosauna in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (@willianborges88/Newsflash)

Former Chelsea FC Star Willian Recovers From Muscle Injury In Negative 149 Degree Cryosauna

The Brazilian football star and former Chelsea FC attacking midfielder Willian underwent treatment for a muscle injury in a cryotherapy cabin at minus 149 degrees celsius. Willian Borges da Silva, 33, better known to football fans as 'Willian' underwent cryotherapy after picking up a muscle injury playing for Sport Club…

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Read more about the article Batman Girl From US Ends Most Important Stage Of Treatment After Two Years In Russian Hospital
Luna Tavares Fenner who was born with a Batman birthmark on her face had to interrupt treatment and leave Russia due to visa problems in June 2021. (

Batman Girl From US Ends Most Important Stage Of Treatment After Two Years In Russian Hospital

Russian surgeons have completed the main stage of treatment on the 'batman girl' who was born with a birthmark that looked like the superhero's mask on her face. Surgeons in the Russian federal subject of Krasnodar Krai have been operating on Luna Tavares Fenner's giant melanocytic nevus that looks like…

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Read more about the article Little Girl Dies After Receiving Most Expensive Gene Therapy Jab In The World
The Egyptian little girl Layal died after getting the most expensive medicine in the world that costs 2 million for muscular dystrophy. (Newsflash)

Little Girl Dies After Receiving Most Expensive Gene Therapy Jab In The World

A baby suffering from spinal muscular atrophy has died after receiving a gene therapy treatment costing GBP 1.6 million, making it one of the most expensive treatments in the world. Ahmed Al-Azab, two-year-old Layal Ahmed's father, announced his daughter's death following her treatment that cost EGP 35 million (GBP 1.63…

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