Read more about the article Skater Moments From Death In Tunnel Stunt
A motorist avoids hitting a skater inside a tunnel in Mexico City, Mexico, undated. The skater's health or legal status is unknown. (CEN)

Skater Moments From Death In Tunnel Stunt

This is the death race moment thrill-seeking skaters shoot through a tunnel road packed with traffic as one of them falls in front of the wheels of a car. The street invasion, filmed in the Mexican capital, Mexico City, on one of its busiest roads. Rio Mixcoac Avenue, went…

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Read more about the article Social Media Stunt Wipes Out Canary Isle’s Stunning Sand Dunes
Dozens of young people enter the Dunes of Maspalomas in Gran Canaria in search for money, undated. An investigation has been opened. (@alvi_ent/CEN)

Social Media Stunt Wipes Out Canary Isle’s Stunning Sand Dunes

This is the shocking moment evnvironmentally vulnerable sand dunes were wiped out after a stunt by YouTube influencers to promote a music festival went wrong. Footage from the vulnerable Maspalomas Dunes on Spain's Grand Canaria shows scores of teenagers and young music fans hacking away at the ancient sands…

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Read more about the article Teen Leaps From Fifth-Storey Window And Double Somersaults Into Snowdrift
Picture shows a boy after jump out of a 5th floor window in a snowdrift in Megion, Russia, undated. He was not injured. (CEN)

Teen Leaps From Fifth-Storey Window And Double Somersaults Into Snowdrift

This is the head-over-heels moment a teenager leaps out of a fifth-storey window to double flip 75 feet into a snowdrift below. The footage, filmed in Megion, in Russia's Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug region. Begins with the boy poised on the window ledge at an apartment block with thick snow…

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Read more about the article Police Seize Snowboarders Over Car Stunt
A police car chases two snowboarders in Jitiqara, Kazakhstan, undated. Snowboarders and the driver of the vehicle were arrested for gross violation of traffic rules. (@POLICE_of_KZ/Newsflash)

Police Seize Snowboarders Over Car Stunt

This is the moment snowboarders on city streets being towed by car speed past police officers who just can't believe their ice. The pair had been filming themselves being dragged through the snowy streets at night. In Jitiqara, Kostanay Region, Kazakhstan. Footage from the stunt shows the pair holding…

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Read more about the article Driver Seized After Stunt To Tow People Riding Inner Tubes
Photo shows mass tubing on a street in Mytishchi, Russia. The driver was detained. (@IrinaVolk_MVD/Newsflash)

Driver Seized After Stunt To Tow People Riding Inner Tubes

This is the snow way moment a driver tows 15 people on tyre inner tubes down an icy road in central Russia. Video footage of the stunt shows a 4X4 SUV with a tow rope attached with more than a dozen rubber tubes strung behind it pulling people along…

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