Read more about the article Sabotage At Top Winery Leaves 60,000 Litres Of Wine Worth GBP 2 Million On Floor
Photo shows the moment man emptied three tanks with 60,000 liters of wine on Sunday, Feb 18, 2024. The 'Cepa 21 winery' owned by Jose Moro is located in Castrillo de Duero, Spain. (CEN)

Sabotage At Top Winery Leaves 60,000 Litres Of Wine Worth GBP 2 Million On Floor

A sabotage attack carried out on a high-end winery has left 60,000 litres of vino worth over GBP 2 million sloshing around on the floor. The footage shows the suspect running up to one of the giant wine vats and opening it, causing litres of the pricey booze to…

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Read more about the article Pollution Fear As 8k Litres Of Paint Spilt In Wetlands
Pic shows: The red wetland. This video shows a city canal turned red after a lorry carrying industrial paint overturned and shed its load on the road and nearby wetlands sparking pollution fears.

Pollution Fear As 8k Litres Of Paint Spilt In Wetlands

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This video shows protected wetlands apparently being polluted by a lorry load of industrial paint that spilled and made its way into a waterway. The Paicavi Wetlands in the municipality of Concepcion located in the central Chilean region of Bio Bio a protected…

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Read more about the article Motorway Closes As 100s Of Ducks Escape Crashed Lorry
Pic shows: Half of animals didn't survive as a lorry transporting 3,000 ducks crashes scattering the animals all over the road. POLAND: This was the scene after a lorry load of ducks overturned on a major motorway, blocking both lanes for eight hours as hundreds of the birds escaped and ran off in all directions.

Motorway Closes As 100s Of Ducks Escape Crashed Lorry

Story By: Bartosz Staszewski, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News This was the scene after a lorry load of ducks overturned on a major motorway, blocking both lanes for eight hours as hundreds of the surviving birds escaped and ran off in all directions. The 31-year-old driver of the Mercedes lorry lost control of his…

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