Read more about the article Young Chinese Woman’s Impressive Robotic Performance For Customers In Eatery
An owner of a hotpot restaurant acts like a robot waitress in her restaurant in Chongqing, China, undated. She is a professional street dancer. (68292175297/AsiaWire)

Young Chinese Woman’s Impressive Robotic Performance For Customers In Eatery

This is the astonishing moment a young woman pretends to be a robot to impress customers in a Chinese restaurant. Social media users were left baffled after the woman's performance at the hotpot restaurant in the Chongqing municipality in southwestern China was so realistic, they couldn't believe they were…

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Read more about the article Robotic Barista Masters Latte Art With Stunning Swan Designs For GBP 2 A Cup
A smart coffee robot makes a cup of latte in 90 seconds at Beijing Library, China, undated. It also can make a latte art. (MarKV/AsiaWire)

Robotic Barista Masters Latte Art With Stunning Swan Designs For GBP 2 A Cup

The astonishing video captures a robot barista skillfully crafting swan designs showcasing its remarkable finesse of creating stunning latte art. Smartphone footage caught at the Beijing City Library, in China. Showed the dual-arm coffee machine preparing a cup of amazing latte art coffee in less than 90 seconds. In…

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New Exoskeleton Offers Greater Mobility For Paraplegics

Story by: Aleksandra Stefanova, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video credit: CEN/EPFL A team of scientists has developed a groundbreaking exoskeleton that paraplegics can put on themselves without needing anyone to help. Scientists at EPFL’s Robotic Systems Laboratory (LSRO) in Lausanne in Switzerland have now unveiled video of the new version…

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