Read more about the article TEEN SHOCK TRAGEDY: Girl Zapped To Death Using Charging Phone After Shower
Maria Ingrid Beatriz da Silva, 17, poses in undated photo. She died after suffering an electric shock when using a cell phone that was charging, in Bodo, Brazil, on Saturday, Nov, 19, 2022. (Newsflash)

TEEN SHOCK TRAGEDY: Girl Zapped To Death Using Charging Phone After Shower

A 17-year-old girl was tragically zapped to death as she used her charging mobile phone after getting out of the shower. Maria Ingrid Beatriz da Silva, 17, poses in undated photo. She died after suffering an electric shock when using a cell phone that was charging, in Bodo, Brazil, on…

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Read more about the article MOBILE GROAN: Phone Zombie Falls Into Factory Basement
Photo shows a man being rescued by the fire brigade in Tarsus, Mersin, Turkey, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022. He tumbled into the basement while talking on the phone. (Newsflash)

MOBILE GROAN: Phone Zombie Falls Into Factory Basement

This is the moment a worker glued to his phone plunges into a factory basement. CCTV footage of the slip shows the worker pulling out his phone and beginning to talk. Then he can be seen walking to the far end of the room at the seedling-producing plant before turning…

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Read more about the article INSTANT KARMA: Man Steals Phone And Is Tossed Into Air By Car Seconds Later
The unidentified 36-year-old runs from the bus with a cell phone he stole in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2022. He was run over by a taxi while fleeing. (Newsflash)

INSTANT KARMA: Man Steals Phone And Is Tossed Into Air By Car Seconds Later

A suspected mobile phone thief got a dose of instant karma when he ran across a road and was hit by a car. CCTV footage shows the moment the alleged crook got off a bus with a passenger's phone and ran straight into the path of an oncoming car. The…

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Read more about the article SELFIE DEATH: Teen, 15, Dies After Taking Selfie On Roof And Trying To Catch Dropped Phone
Melike Gun Kanavuzlar poses in an undated photo. She died after falling from the roof of a building in Ortaca, Mugla, Turkey, Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022. (Newsflash)

SELFIE DEATH: Teen, 15, Dies After Taking Selfie On Roof And Trying To Catch Dropped Phone

A highly distressing video captures the moment a teenager plummets through the air and slams into the ground after taking a selfie on the top of a four-storey building. Melike Gun Kanavuzlar poses in an undated photo. She died after falling from the roof of a building in Ortaca, Mugla,…

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Read more about the article THUMBS UP! Praise For Firefighter As He Saws Into Phone Case To Free Tot’s Trapped Digit
A member of the Kocaeli Fire Brigade cuts a phone case to free a baby's finger from it in Kocaeli, Turkey, in an undated video. Goktug Aydin Demir, the five-months-old baby got his finger stuck in the phone case. (@kocaelibld/Newsflash)

THUMBS UP! Praise For Firefighter As He Saws Into Phone Case To Free Tot’s Trapped Digit

This is the moment a firefighter saws into a phone case and a five-month-old baby boy screams in terror as the blade inches closer to his trapped thumb. The baby boy has been named as five-month-old Goktug Aydin Demir and the incident took place in Izmir, in Kocaeli Province, in…

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