Read more about the article Model Branded Anorexic Alien Hits Back At OnlineTrolls
Pic Shows: Alena answered anorexia allegations "Dear followers, stop trolling me and my thinness. I eat a lot. I can’t gain weight, not because of anorexia, but because of the fast metabolism" This picture was deleted from Instagram of Alena Shishkova, but local media used it A top Russian model who posted this video of herself exercising with stick thin arms and legs has hit back at critics who still insist she is anorexic.

Model Branded Anorexic Alien Hits Back At OnlineTrolls

Story By: Anna Casap, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@missalena.92 A top Russian model who posted this video of herself exercising has hit back at critics who claim she is anorexic. Russian beauty Alena Shishkova, now aged 26, wanted to show off herself training at home, but instead fans were more interested in the…

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Read more about the article Russia Space Bot Tweets Seconds After ISS Return
Pic shows: Robot Fedor returning from ISS. This is the moment Russia's first humanoid robot Fedor is lifted out of a capsule after returning to Earth from the International Space Station where it assisted astronauts for two weeks.

Russia Space Bot Tweets Seconds After ISS Return

Story By: Elena Kalioglo, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@roscosmos Russia's first humanoid robot Fedor appeared to waste no time before going online when he returned to Earth – taking to Twitter just moments later to talk about his otherworldly adventures. The robot shown here being lifted out of a capsule after returning to…

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Read more about the article Jilted 22yo Thug Hacks Off Schoolgirls Fingers And Scalp
Pic Shows: Paramedics treating the schoolgirl; This harrowing footage reportedly shows a jilted university student hacking off a teenage girl’s fingers and scalp with a watermelon knife after the pair met online and she repeatedly rejected him.

Jilted 22yo Thug Hacks Off Schoolgirls Fingers And Scalp

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT Video Credit: AsiaWire This footage shows a jilted 22-year-old attacking a high school girl with a huge watermelon knife leaving her with her fingers hacked off and her head scalped after they met online and she turned him down. The…

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Read more about the article Sick Teens Force Helpless Kitten To Smoke Lit Cigarette
Picture Credit: CEN/PACMA

Sick Teens Force Helpless Kitten To Smoke Lit Cigarette

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub-Editor:  Alex Cope, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/PACMA This is the moment a group of youngsters hold a kitten upside down and force it to smoke a lit cigarette prompting outrage online. The incident was shared on social media by the Spanish political party Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of…

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Read more about the article A&E Worker Caught Shopping Online As Patients Wait
Pic Shows: A desk officer was spotted online shopping while patients were waiting in a row; This is the moment an A&E hospital administrator is filmed shopping online while a large queue of patients is waiting to be admitted prompting a disciplinary investigation.

A&E Worker Caught Shopping Online As Patients Wait

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment an A&E hospital administrator is filmed shopping online while a large queue of patients wait to be admitted in a clip which has sparked a disciplinary investigation. The incident was filmed by a patient at the…

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