Read more about the article John Terrys Stunning WAG Flaunts Long Legs In Frothy Bath During Hols In Turkey
John Terry's wife Toni Terry on holiday in Marmaris, Turkey, in October, 2021. (@toniterry26/Newsflash)

John Terrys Stunning WAG Flaunts Long Legs In Frothy Bath During Hols In Turkey

This photo shows John Terry’s stunning WAG Toni flaunting her long legs in a bath while well-placed foam covers her nether regions. The ex-Chelsea defender is holidaying in the Turkish resort of Marmaris with his gorgeous wife where he has been sharing vacation updates with his 6.1 million followers. In…

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Read more about the article Moment Woman, 71, Falls Trying To Board Moving Train And Legs Are Hit By Carriage
A 71-year-year old woman at a railway station was rescued by railway personnel as she slipped into the gap between the platform and the moving train, in Mumbai, India, on 18th September. (Newsflash)

Moment Woman, 71, Falls Trying To Board Moving Train And Legs Are Hit By Carriage

This is the moment a 71-year-old woman slips on the platform while trying to board a moving train and her outstretched legs are hit by a carriage, spinning her on the ground. The incident was filmed at the Vasai Road railway station on the Mumbai Suburban Railway network in the…

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Read more about the article Woman, 39, Loses 3 Limbs In 11 Days After Going To Hospital With Tummy Pains
Monika Tothne Kaponya, 39, who lost her three limbs in 11 days due to a genetic disease in Pecs, Hungary. (Newsflash)

Woman, 39, Loses 3 Limbs In 11 Days After Going To Hospital With Tummy Pains

A 39-year-old woman has had both legs and an arm amputated within 11 days after going into hospital with tummy pains. Monika Tothne Kaponya, from the Hungarian city of Pecs on the slopes of the Mecsek Mountains, said she used to be very active and worked two jobs as a…

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Read more about the article Hairy Legs Are Key To Success According To Russian Synchronized Swimming Olympic Champions
Svetlana Romashina, Russian synchronized swimmer who was one of the 2020 Olympic Games champions revealed that she does not shave her legs for sports victories. (@svetlanaromashina/Newsflash)

Hairy Legs Are Key To Success According To Russian Synchronized Swimming Olympic Champions

Russia Olympic swimming champions have revealed that they won their medals without shaving their legs before competing with one of the champions saying "Hairy legs are the key to success." Svetlana Romashina, 31, Alla Shishkina, 32, and Vlada Chigireva, 26, who have won countless medals at the Olympics and European…

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Read more about the article Netizens Praise Woman With Huge Tumour On Legs For Raising Awareness About Her Rare Condition
Karina Rodini, 31-year-old from Parana, Brazil, has a rare and incurable disease called type 1 neurofibromatosis, that causes large tumours to grow on her nerves, and she is raising awareness of the need for better treatment of the disease in Brazil, in July, 2021. (@superandoaneurofibromatose/Newsflash)

Netizens Praise Woman With Huge Tumour On Legs For Raising Awareness About Her Rare Condition Netizens have praised this brave woman for taking to social media to show off her giant tumour to raise awareness for neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) - a genetic condition that causes growths along the nerves. Karina Rodini, 31, was diagnosed with NF1 when she was one or two years…

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