Read more about the article DPR Shows Self-Propelled Howitzer Firing At Fortified Ukrainian Position
Picture shows DPR howitzer among trees in direction of Opytne and Vodyane settlements, Donetsk region, Ukraine in undated photo. Artillerymen of the 1st Slavic Brigade of the People's Militia of the DPR destroyed two strongholds of Ukrainian army. (@nm_dnr/Newsflash)

DPR Shows Self-Propelled Howitzer Firing At Fortified Ukrainian Position

This footage shows pro-Russian DPR fighters apparently firing at a fortified Ukrainian position on the frontlines in Donetsk using a self-propelled howitzer. The images allegedly show a 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer belonging to the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) firing at a Ukrainian position between a field and a treeline…

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Read more about the article Russia Uses Kamikaze Drones To Hit Ukrainian Howitzer, Military Vehicles, Radar Systems
A Russian kamikaze drone heads on the Ukrainian military equipment in Ukraine in undated footage, footage obtained by the Russian MoD on Thursday, Oct. 20. 2022. According the Russian MoD the Russian Airborne Forces, using UAV complexes, destroyed the towed howitzer Msta-B, radar systems, a tank and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. (Ministry of Defense of Russia/Newsflash)

Russia Uses Kamikaze Drones To Hit Ukrainian Howitzer, Military Vehicles, Radar Systems

These images appear to show Russia hitting a Ukrainian howitzer and other military vehicles and positions – with kamikaze drones. The footage, obtained from the Russian Ministry of Defence, begins by showing what appears to be a Ukrainian howitzer being filmed from above before it is hit by what appears…

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Read more about the article DPR Shows Self-Propelled Howitzer Firing At Ukrainian Positions
Picture shows DPR 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled fully amphibious howitzer among trees in a forested area near Mayorsk, Donetsk region in Ukraine in undated photo. The 3rd brigade of the People's Militia of the DPR shot at positions of Ukrainian army with help of 2S1 Gvozdika. (@nm_dnr/Newsflash)

DPR Shows Self-Propelled Howitzer Firing At Ukrainian Positions

These images purport to show a DPR self-propelled howitzer firing at Ukrainian positions. The images allegedly show the 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer belonging to the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) firing at Ukrainian soldiers in a tree line between two fields. The footage appears to show Ukrainian soldiers in the tree…

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