Read more about the article Man Cuts Friends Manhood Off And Puts His Severed Genitals In A Pan
The inn room where the crime took place, a 48-year-old man cut off the 56-year-old victims' genitals and killed him, in Itanhaem, Brazil, on 28th August. (Newsflash)

Man Cuts Friends Manhood Off And Puts His Severed Genitals In A Pan

A man has been arrested for cutting off his friend's genitals and killing him before dragging his corpse to a beach and leaving the severed penis in a pan. The incident took place in Sao Vicente, a municipality south of the city of Sao Paulo, near the coast, in the…

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Read more about the article Man, 25, Comes To Sticky End After Using Glue To Seal Penis Instead Of Buying Condom
Sola Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad in India where Salman Mirza died after having sex using epoxy adhesive instead of a condom in June 2021. (Newsflash)

Man, 25, Comes To Sticky End After Using Glue To Seal Penis Instead Of Buying Condom

A 25-year-old man has died after using a powerful glue on his genitals to prevent his fiancee getting pregnant instead of nipping out to buy a condom. Salman Mirza was found unconscious in shrubs near the hotel he was staying at in the neighbourhood of Juhapura in the city of…

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Read more about the article Man, 65, Bitten On Genitals By Escaped Snake During Morning Toilet Trip
The python which crawled out of the toilet and bit the 65-year-old man in the genitals in the Austrian city of Graz. (LPD STMK/Newsflash)

Man, 65, Bitten On Genitals By Escaped Snake During Morning Toilet Trip

An Austrian OAP has been bitten by a snake on his genitals during his morning bathroom trip after his neighbour’s albino python escaped through a drain and ended up hiding in the hapless man’s toilet. The incident took place when the 65-year-old man from the Austrian city of Graz popped…

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Read more about the article Man Cuts Willy Of Boy, 4, With Knife For Wetting The Bed
Jesus Rodriguez Gonzalez was arrested on Sunday, 27th June, for allegedly cutting of the penis of his 4-year-old stepson with a knife for wetting the bed, in Sabanalarga, Colombia. (Newsflash)

Man Cuts Willy Of Boy, 4, With Knife For Wetting The Bed

A Colombian man has been arrested for cutting the genitals of his four-year-old stepson with a knife because he wet the bed. The incident took place in the municipality of Sabanalarga in the Colombian department of Atlantico on 21st June. According to the news site Debate, the stepfather, Jesus Rodriguez…

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Read more about the article Dogs Owners DIY Sterilisation Op On Dog Using Metal Wire
The dog with the genitals sewed (@Logicoyzoo/Newsflash)

Dogs Owners DIY Sterilisation Op On Dog Using Metal Wire

This shocking footage shows a female dog’s genitals after her cruel owner carried out a DIY sterilisation by using metal wire to sew up her private parts so she could not breed with another dog, and would not get pregnant. The abused dog, which goes by the name Maya, was…

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