Read more about the article Turkish Gardener Finds Incredible 4-Layered Egg Like A Russian Doll
The 4-layer egg found in a garden in Adana. (Newsflash)

Turkish Gardener Finds Incredible 4-Layered Egg Like A Russian Doll

A Turkish man has found a four-layered egg in his back garden that resembled a Russian-doll effect. Gardener Tahir Tayboga found chicken feathers and an egg-like object next to it at his property in the district of Seyhan in the south-eastern Turkish city of Adana. Slightly confused, he inspected the…

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Read more about the article Singer Halsey Joins Crowds To See Watchdog Rocky
The dog named Rocky, who has been watching a street from the garden wall In Kuzguncuk, for 10 years. (Newsflash)

Singer Halsey Joins Crowds To See Watchdog Rocky

This cute dog called Rocky has become an online celebrity for his habit of climbing on top of the wall and staying there all day long, resulting in 10 years of people photographing him and even US singer Halsey has reportedly now posed with the popular pooch. Rocky has been…

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Read more about the article Muay Thai Champ Dies From Giant Centipede Bite
Thai boxing champion Dokmaipa Por Pongsawang dies after being bitten by monster centipede. (Newsflash)

Muay Thai Champ Dies From Giant Centipede Bite

A powerful Thai boxing champion has died after he was bitten by a giant centipede while working in his garden. Ex Muay Thai champion Dokmaipa Por Pongsawang, 52, died at the Kalasin Hospital located in the provincial capital of Kalasin in the province with the same name in Thailand on…

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Read more about the article Mum Suspects Foul Play As Girl, 7, Found Dead In Creek
The victim. (Newsflash)

Mum Suspects Foul Play As Girl, 7, Found Dead In Creek

A seven-year-old girl has been found dead in a creek three days after her disappearance and her devastated mother suspects foul play. Ikranur Tirsi, 7, disappeared near her home in the district of Bulancak in the northern Turkish province of Giresun. Tirsi was playing in the garden with her garden…

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Read more about the article Moment Huge Crane Topples Onto Home Destroying Roof
Officers standing in front of the house as the crane near them is about to collapse right onto it on 9th October, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. (Newsflash)

Moment Huge Crane Topples Onto Home Destroying Roof

The moment a huge crane toppled over onto a post bringing down power lines as well was captured on the body camera of a nearby police officer. Newsflash The incident where the crane smashed into the roof of the nearby house happened in Fort Lauderdale in Florida. The huge…

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