Read more about the article Joint Russian And Chinese Naval Exercise Ends With Rockets Fired In The East China Sea
Picture shows rocket firing of the naval warship during the naval exercises "Marine Interaction - 2022" in the East China Sea in undated footage. The footage was released by the Russian MoD on Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2022. (Ministry of Defense of Russia/Newsflash)

Joint Russian And Chinese Naval Exercise Ends With Rockets Fired In The East China Sea

Russia's Defence Ministry showed the final moments of the joint naval exercise with China in newly-released footage. The images apparently show Russian and Chinese military ships firing rockets in the waters of the East China Sea on the final day of the operation. The exercise, dubbed Marine Interaction 2022,…

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Read more about the article Shelter Owner Wails As 16 Pets Die In Lunch Break Blaze
Pic Shows: The bodies of burned dogs; CHINA: This heartbreaking footage shows an elderly animal shelter owner crying over the charred carcasses of 16 dogs and cats burnt alive during a suspected arson fire which also left her with serious injuries on her arms and face as she rescued over half a dozen elderly blind pooches.

Shelter Owner Wails As 16 Pets Die In Lunch Break Blaze

Story By: Buli Liang, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment an elderly animal shelter owner breaks down crying over the charred bodies of 16 dogs and cats burnt alive during a suspected arson fire after she went out on a 20-minute…

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Read more about the article Suicidal Hubby Changes Mind After Slipping Over Edge
Pic shows: Police officers helping the suicidal husband. CHINA: This is the moment a drunk homeowner threatening throw himself off a building begs the police to save him when he slips and has a sudden change of heart.

Suicidal Hubby Changes Mind After Slipping Over Edge

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a drunk husband threatening to throw himself off a building begs cops to save him when he's left hanging after slipping over the edge. Police chest cam footage from the city…

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