Read more about the article UFO Crashes Into Chinese Mountain Causing Toxic Yellow Cloud But Missing Nearby Homes
Smoke billowed from an unidentified object that fell from the sky in Baise, Guangxi, on May 9, 2024. Both white and dense smoke emanated following the object's descent. (AsiaWire)

UFO Crashes Into Chinese Mountain Causing Toxic Yellow Cloud But Missing Nearby Homes

This is the toxic-looking cloud of yellow smoke that appeared on the side of a Chinese mountain after an unidentified flying object, which some local media said was a satellite, fell from the sky and exploded. The footage was shot by a local family who said they heard three…

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INDEPENDANCE DAY: Amazing Snap Of Multicoloured Flying Saucer Cloud

People were stunned after a multicoloured lenticular cloud that resembled a UFO appeared in the sky in Turkey. The massive formation shifting from orange to pink, to yellow grasped locals' attention after it hovered over the city of Bursa, Turkey, on Thursday, 19th January. Amazed by the rare sight, the…

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Read more about the article La Palma Volcano Intensifies With Giant Ash Cloud Grounding Flights After Politician Suggests Bombing It
The ash cloud from the volcanic eruption blocking the sun from being seen in La Palma, on 1st November. (Newsflash)

La Palma Volcano Intensifies With Giant Ash Cloud Grounding Flights After Politician Suggests Bombing It

The Cumbre Vieja volcano eruption on the Canary Island of La Palma is intensifying, sending an ash cloud high into the sky and grounding flights, after a politician suggested bombing it. The intensification of the eruption has come in the wake of comments by the President of the Municipal Council…

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Read more about the article UFO-Cloud Formations Compared To Alien Invasion
UFO-shaped clouds form over Yalta. (Valentin Verbitsky/Newsflash)

UFO-Cloud Formations Compared To Alien Invasion

This unusual UFO-like cloud formation over the Crimean Peninsula has left locals comparing it to an alien invasion. The strange cloud was seen over the resort city of Yalta in the Crimean Peninsula, a disputed territory between Russia and Ukraine. Stunned locals and tourists took pictures of the unusual cloud…

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Read more about the article Burglar Steals CCTV Camera As Images Sent To Cloud
Thief steals camera because it filmed him breaking in. (Polizei Sachsen/Newsflash).

Burglar Steals CCTV Camera As Images Sent To Cloud

The German cops are hunting for a burglar who stole a CCTV camera when he noticed his break-in was being filmed without realising the images were being live-streamed and stored on the internet. The suspect was filmed entering a block of flats in Sudvorstadt in the city of Leipzig, in…

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