Read more about the article Man Uses Toxic Pesticide As Shampoo To Cure Itchy Scalp
Pic Shows: The bottle of Dichlorvos used as shampoo; CHINA: A middle-aged man has been hospitalised for toxic poisoning and had all his hair shaved off after using a potent pesticide as shampoo.

Man Uses Toxic Pesticide As Shampoo To Cure Itchy Scalp

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report A middle-aged man has been hospitalised for toxic poisoning and had all his hair shaved off after using a potent pesticide instead of shampoo to stop his scalp from itching. The patient who works as a private security guard believed the insecticide would cure his itchy…

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Read more about the article Woman Hiding From Drug Cops Is Betrayed By Her Pet Dog
Pic shows: The woman and her pet made peace eventually CHINA: A woman who was hiding in a flat raided by drug cops was arrested - after she was given away by her pet dog.

Woman Hiding From Drug Cops Is Betrayed By Her Pet Dog

Story By: Simon Glover, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report A woman who was hiding in a flat raided by drug cops was arrested - after she was given away by her pet dog. The woman, identified by cops by only by her surname of Chen, was in flat, in the city of Hangzhou, in eastern…

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Read more about the article Firefighter Rescues Scared 3yo Girl Trapped Down Well
Pic shows: A fireman being lowered into the well to save the girl. CHINA: This is the moment a young girl who has fallen to the bottom of a 13-foot well is saved by a fireman who climbs down to lift her out.

Firefighter Rescues Scared 3yo Girl Trapped Down Well

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a scared young girl who had fallen down a 13-foot well is saved by a brave fireman who climbs down to rescue the trapped child. The girl, aged three, is from Hua County in the city of Anyang Central China’s…

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Read more about the article Tesla Driver Blames Computer For Crashing Model 3
Pic shows: The damaged Tesla. HONG KONG: This is the inexplicably moment a Tesla driver queuing in traffic suddenly speeds up for no reason and destroys the front of his Model S by ramming it past two cars and into a lorry.

Tesla Driver Blames Computer For Crashing Model 3

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire A Tesla owner has blamed his Model 3's "computer" after dashcam footage showed it crashing past two cars and slamming into a lorry in heavy traffic. Tesla is now looking into the accident and say they will review the Model S's 'black box' in…

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Read more about the article Cash-Strapped Cancer Dad Stops Treatment To Pay For Kid
Pic shows: Sun Ying and her father before he passed away due to cancer CHINA: A dad battling lung cancer refused treatment when he learned his daughter had also been diagnosed with cancer as he could not afford to pay for treatment for them both.

Cash-Strapped Cancer Dad Stops Treatment To Pay For Kid

Story By: Simon Glover, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report A dad battling lung cancer refused treatment when he learned his daughter had also been diagnosed with cancer as he could not afford to pay for treatment for them both. Sun Ying, 21, an art student at Henan Normal University in the city of Xinxiang in central…

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