Read more about the article  Bogus ‘Brit’ Doc Was Working In Hotel Under False Name
Pic Shows: Matteo Politi worked for several private clinics in Bucharest; ROMANIA: A convicted fraudster has reportedly faked documents to pose as a world-renowned British plastic surgeon and perform operations as well as giving lectures.

 Bogus ‘Brit’ Doc Was Working In Hotel Under False Name

A school dropout who operated on dozens of women while posing as a British boob surgeon has been arrested working at a hotel in Italy after five months on the run. Pic Shows: Matteo Politi worked for several private clinics in Bucharest; ROMANIA: A convicted fraudster has reportedly faked documents…

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Read more about the article School Dropout Who Posed As British Plastic Surgeon Flees To Hong Kong
Pic Shows: Matteo Politi worked for several private clinics in Bucharest; ROMANIA: A convicted fraudster has reportedly faked documents to pose as a world-renowned British plastic surgeon and perform operations as well as giving lectures.

School Dropout Who Posed As British Plastic Surgeon Flees To Hong Kong

A school dropout who allegedly operated on dozens of people while posing as a British plastic surgeon has reportedly fled to Hong Kong in a bid to avoid jail. Pic Shows: Matteo Politi worked for several private clinics in Bucharest; ROMANIA: A convicted fraudster has reportedly faked documents to pose…

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Read more about the article Brit Couple Reunited With Stolen RV After Paper’s Readers Turned ‘Tec To Track It Down
Helen Gosling and Andrew White pose in undated photo. Their camper was stolen in Turin, Italy. (Helen Gosling/Newsflash)

Brit Couple Reunited With Stolen RV After Paper’s Readers Turned ‘Tec To Track It Down

A British couple whose dream of touring Europe in a was shattered when their RV was stolen from an Italian car park have been reunited with the camper van. Helen Gosling and Andrew White pose in undated photo. Their camper was stolen in Turin, Italy. (Helen Gosling/Newsflash) Adventurer Helen Gosling…

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Read more about the article Skull Belongs To British Woman, 79, Who Was Missing For A Month, Say Cops
Picture shows Briton Ann Naisbitt, 79, undated. She disappeared from her residence in Paphos, Cypros on Monday, April 3, 2023 and her skull was found in Koloni area, Cyprus on Sunday, May 14, 2023. (Newsflash)

Skull Belongs To British Woman, 79, Who Was Missing For A Month, Say Cops

Police in Cyprus have announced today, Wednesday, that a skull that was found in a riverbed belongs to a 79-year-old British woman who was reported missing over a month ago. Picture shows Briton Ann Naisbitt, 79, undated. She disappeared from her residence in Paphos, Cypros on Monday, April 3, 2023…

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Read more about the article British Couple’s Six-Month-Old Baby Dies In VIP Resort In Turkey
Photo shows Elizabeth Coffey, undated. The six-month-old baby girl reportedly died in Serik, Antalya, Turkey, Saturday, May 13, 2023. (Elizabeth Coffey/Newsflash)

British Couple’s Six-Month-Old Baby Dies In VIP Resort In Turkey

A British family's dream holiday at a five-star hotel in Turkey turned into a nightmare when their six-month-old baby suddenly died after having difficulty breathing. Photo shows Elizabeth Coffey, undated. The six-month-old baby girl reportedly died in Serik, Antalya, Turkey, Saturday, May 13, 2023. (Elizabeth Coffey/Newsflash) The tragic incident unfolded…

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