Read more about the article Brave Boy, 11, Thanks Well-Wishers From Bed After Snake Bite Put Him In Hospital
The leg of Joao Pedro Grecco Goncalves who was bitten by a snake in Sao Roque, Brazil. ( @Thammy.Grecco.1/Newsflash)

Brave Boy, 11, Thanks Well-Wishers From Bed After Snake Bite Put Him In Hospital

This photo shows the blistered and bruised leg of an 11-year-old boy who had to undergo surgery after he was bitten by a venomous snake. Young Joao Pedro Grecco Goncalves had accompanied his dad and grandpa on a fishing trip and was playing near a pile of wood when the…

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Read more about the article Nightmare As Young Woman Has Giant Lip After Creepy Crawly Centipede Bites Her In Sleep
Nataly Galdino's lips after a centipede bit her while she was sleeping at home in Sao Vicente, Brazil in October 2021. (Nataly Galdino/Newsflash)

Nightmare As Young Woman Has Giant Lip After Creepy Crawly Centipede Bites Her In Sleep

These images show how this young woman ended up with a giant upper lip after a centipede bit her while she was asleep. The incident took place in the municipality of of Sao Vicente, which is located on the Brazilian coast in the state of Sao Paulo. The young woman…

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Read more about the article Angry Customer Bites Chunk Out Of Employees Ear After Being Told He Cant Take Beer On Credit
Guilherme Souza Santos who had his ear bitten and part torn off in a cafeteria in Sao Jose da Tapera in Alagoas in Brazil. (Guilherme Souza Santos/Newsflash)

Angry Customer Bites Chunk Out Of Employees Ear After Being Told He Cant Take Beer On Credit

This is the moment an angry customer who was not allowed to buy beer on credit goes behind the counter in a snack bar and bites a chunk out of an employee's ear as he tries to protect his mum. The incident took place in the town of Sao Jose…

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Read more about the article Toddler Survives Deadly Snake Bite After Docs Were Able To ID Dead Reptile
Benjamin Vicente Machado, a year and a half-old was taken to the hospital after being bitten by a snake on 13th September, in Blumenau, Brazil. (Paulo Henrique de Almeida Machado/Newsflash)

Toddler Survives Deadly Snake Bite After Docs Were Able To ID Dead Reptile A one-year-old toddler has survived a bite from a highly-venomous jararaca snake after it was killed and taken to hospital with the boy to help doctors identify the best antidote. Little Benjamin whose full name was not given was taken to Hospital Santo Antonio in the city of Blumenau…

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Read more about the article Woman Bites Into Burger And Chews On Grim Remains Of Rotting Human Finger
The finger Estefany Benitez allegedly found inside her hamburger while eating it at a restaurant in Santa Cruz, Bolivia,on 13th September. (@estefany.benitez.399/Newsflash)

Woman Bites Into Burger And Chews On Grim Remains Of Rotting Human Finger

A Bolivian woman got the shock of her life when she bit into a juicy hamburger at one of her favourite fast food restaurants and chewed on the grim remains of a rotting human finger. The incident took place at a Hot Burger store in the city of Santa Cruz…

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