Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
Spaniards have been renting out their dogs to cooped-up residents so they can enjoy a walk in the fresh air during the COVID-19 lockdown without getting fined.
One advert on the website said that their family dog could be walked around town for a fee of 25 EUR (23 GBP).
The poster, who comes from the city of Valencia, said: “Podenco (Warren Hound) available to rent for walks during quarantine to avoid being fined.”
According to local media, the adverts have appeared since the Spanish government introduced a two-week lockdown that severely restricts residents’ freedom of movement.
During the lockdown, citizens must remain indoors and can only leave home, one person in a car at a time, for food, medicines, medical assistance, essential work and caring for loved ones.
Workers reportedly need certification justifying their need to travel during the lockdown.
Residents are allowed to leave their homes to walk their dogs, but only one person at a time and they must keep a minimum distance of one metre from anyone else in the vicinity.
Meanwhile, anyone caught breaking the rules can be fined between 100 and 600,000 EUR (92 and 552,780 GBP) depending on the category of disobedience, according to reports.
Following the appearance of numerous dog-rental adverts, said that they “will not allow this type of service to be advertised on our platform therefore we are removing those related ads.”
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