Story By: Peotr Tulba, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN/@KaubanduskeskusEeden
This is the moment a baker delivering confectionery grabs his phone to film a cute fox seconds before it grabs a huge cake and runs off.
But it proved to big a mouthful and the hungry fox was forced to drop the cake after the deliveryman chased him. The man can then be seen unrepentantly returning the cake to the others in his van while the hungry fox looks on.

The incident was filmed by a CCTV camera in the eastern Estonian city of Tartu and shared on Facebook where it has been seen nearly 40,000 times.
In the footage, a deliveryman is seen unloading trays of food, reportedly confectionery items.

As a dustman passes, the fox walks right up to both workmen, apparently in the hope of getting a sweet-smelling treat.
The brazen fox then pops into a building as the deliveryman reaches for his camera to take snaps.
The sly fox then approaches the trays of food and is seen running across the road with a cake in its mouth.
The deliveryman chases after the fleeing animal and the fox drops the food on the ground, but still remains remarkably close to the man as if hoping for a few crumbs.
He then lingers around the two workers as they continue their chores.
The fox is last seen being chased away empty-handed by the miserly deliveryman.
One netizen commented: “The fox was obviously taken by the sweet scents. I am glad its ‘attempted robbery’ was caught on camera.”
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